Tuesday, February 9, 2016


A Separate Heaven
by Alex Disanti


GENRE: Fiction/Romance



Step into a world of riveting drama.  Enter A Separate Heaven, a story comprised of power, wealth, and romance, multifaceted characters, and complex relationships.  A novel by Alex Disanti.  From Long Island to the shores of the Mediterranean, this exciting series spanning twenty five years in the lives of the Gianelli and Hamilton families will hold you spellbound.

Other Books on A Separate Heaven Series
Book #2



Excerpt one from Book One

Around 1:00 A.M. Paige found she couldn’t sleep.  As quietly as possible she eased herself from the bed and walked out onto the balcony.  The weather was still nice.   The breeze from the water was cool and she could see the waves crashing against the sandy beaches.  Below her, the pool looked inviting. His soft snoring assured her Dominic was sleeping soundly.  Hesitating only a moment, she tiptoed into the bathroom, wrapped herself in a big towel, and made her way down the stairs and outside to the pool.

She dropped the towel and slipped into the warm water that felt like silk on her naked body.  Leisurely, she swam back and forth, again and again.  This was heaven.  It was all heaven.    She lay on her back, floating, her eyes closed, replaying in her mind the wedding and all that had happened since.

Finally, she began to tire and, feeling she could sleep again, made one last lap underwater, crawling along the bottom of the pool.  As she entered the shallow end, her hands reached for the tiled rim as she emerged, breaking the surface of the water.  

Suddenly, something like a steel vise gripped her wrists, jerking her upward, and she was momentarily airborne.  Her feet slammed against the concrete, jarring her from head to toe.  Now Dominic had her by her shoulders and was shaking her.  She knew he was saying something, but she could hear only the roaring in her head.  Not six feet from them stood two men with guns.  Behind them on the massive walls that surrounded the villa were several more.


1. What inspired you to write A Separate Heaven?

A Separate Heaven developed daily over a period of months as I was walking. The scenario played out daily in my mind, the characters, all the main points and events. I thought about it for several months before I decided to write it down. I do not use outlines.

2. When or at what age did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I was around eight or nine years of age when I began writing short stories and poetry, but A Separate Heaven is my first publication.

3. What is the earliest age you remember reading your first book?

I have always treasured books. My father taught me to read when I was four years old.

4. What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

I enjoy novels, mysteries, romance with an edge.

5. What is your favorite book?

I’m sure I could name my favorite 100, but as one of those...To Kill a Mockingbird.

6. You know I think we all have a favorite author. Who is your favorite author and why?

Again, so hard to select just one because I have many but Karen Blixen (Out of Africa) is always in the top ten. Such a wordsmith.  When you can read a book (be it a memoir or a work of fiction) and you can feel as if you know the characters, when you become empathetic to what they are doing, what they are experiencing, you can’t beat that. When a book comes alive for you that is what makes a great read.

7. If you could travel back in time here on earth to any place or time. Where would you go and why?

Talk about someone who is a fan of the present, I would not want to go back any further than the sixties!

8. When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a difficult task?

It comes easily, I think because I really enjoy character creation and development.

9. Do you have any little fuzzy friends? Like a dog or a cat? Or any pets?

Presently I have no pets, but I am definitely an animal lover.

10. What is your "to die for", favorite food/foods to eat?

Chips and salsa!

11. Do you have any advice for anyone that would like to be an author?

Trust your instincts. Write what you love.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Alex Disanti lives in the Texas Hill Country.  While writing has been a lifelong love for her, A Separate Heaven is her first novel.  Early works were mainly poetry and short stories.  As A Separate Heaven progressed from thought to paper, friends and family began reading the manuscript.  Then, in an effort to test the marketability of the material, she enlisted the aid of what she calls her “test readers.”  These readers vary in age, occupation and background.  It simply grew from there.  Alex’s rich detail brought the characters to life, and the ensuing chapters could not come quickly enough for her readers.

Twitter:        https://twitter.com/AlexDisanti   
Website/Blog   http://alexdisanti.com


Alex Disanti will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner


  1. Good morning! Many thanks for having me as your guest and for hosting A Separate Heaven!

  2. Good morning! Many thanks for having me as your guest and for hosting A Separate Heaven!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Rita! And thank you for following the tour. :)

  4. Great questions!! I also love To Kill A Mockingbird, definitely one of my ultimate favorites :)

    1. Hi Victoria! Yes, it is an awesome story. Did you know that Dill, in real life, was Truman Capote? He actually visited his aunt who lived near Harper Lee's family. I love to discover truth worked into fiction. Thanks for being here!

  5. Thank you, Jane! I am enjoying the interviews on the tour. I hope your week is going well. Thank you for following.

  6. I enjoyed the interview. Thank you for the post and the giveaway!
